Ek tinka (ένα άχυρο) – ινδικό ποίημα

एक तिनका घमंडों में भरा ऐंठा हुआ,एक दिन जब था मुंडेर पर खड़ा ।अचानक दूर से उड़ता हुआ,एक तिनका आँख में मेरी पड़ा । मैं झिझक उठा, हुआ बेचैन-सा,लाल होकर आँख भी दुखने लगी ।मूँठ देने लोग कपड़े की लगे ।ऐंठ बेचारी दबे पाँव भगी जब किसी ढब से निकल तिनका गया,तब समझ ने यों … Συνεχίστε να διαβάζετε Ek tinka (ένα άχυρο) – ινδικό ποίημα.

Ek – ek (ένα – ένα) – ινδικό ποίημα

एक – एक एक – एक यदि पेड़ लगाओ तो तुम बाग़ लगा दोगे | एक-एक यदि ईंटें जोड़ोंतो तुम महल बना दोगे | एक-एक पैसे जोड़ोगेतो बन जाओगे धनवान |एक-एक यदि अक्षर पढ़ लोतो बन जाओगे विद्वान | सोहन लाल द्विवेदी Μετάφραση από την ινδική γλώσσα σε ελληνικά και αγγλικά: Χριστίνα Αρόρα One by … Συνεχίστε να διαβάζετε Ek – ek (ένα – ένα) – ινδικό ποίημα.

Widow’s Pouch: Our Theatrical Performance at the 17th International Hindi Conference

The 17th Hindi International Conference was held in our country on the 7th of June 2019 at the Hotel Titania with great success, as our Indian guests admitted and as we saw by their smiles and energy. In the conference, events took place by both sides, Greek and Indian. Dance, theater, music, poetry, painting. The … Συνεχίστε να διαβάζετε Widow’s Pouch: Our Theatrical Performance at the 17th International Hindi Conference.

San Michele aveva un gallo (St. Michael had a rooster) ~ 1972

~ St. Michael had a white, red, green, yellow rooster. To domesticate it, he fed it milk and honey. With these words, sung by a child in punishment, the film "St. Michael had a rooster", an Italian production of 1972, begins. Directors are the known brothers Paolo and Vittorio Taviani, who transfer a novel of … Συνεχίστε να διαβάζετε San Michele aveva un gallo (St. Michael had a rooster) ~ 1972.

Decorated trucks on the roads of India

Christina Arora * During the trip we made to India in 2016, one of the many things that impressed us were the decorated trucks we met on the bustling roads of the country, especially in the mountains. They were so ornamented that they made me wonder what customs and habits were hiding behind this impressive … Συνεχίστε να διαβάζετε Decorated trucks on the roads of India.

Identity Issues (Being a Greek-Indian in Greece in the 21st century)

The article was originally published on the website of ELINEPA (GREEK-INDIAN CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY) https://elinepa.org/en/zitimata-taftotitas/ Article: Christina and Angelos Arora Spinoza says that in order for a person to feel free, he has to "overcome" and accept the physical need. Indeed, human nature with its natural needs and its biological truth, as an example … Συνεχίστε να διαβάζετε Identity Issues (Being a Greek-Indian in Greece in the 21st century).